Please get involved and stay informed by showing up at our next meeting (check the calendar on the right sidebar), or contact the Chairman here or sign up at the Vermont Democrats' site. Thank you!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chittenden County Democrats News!!!

  • Democratic Lieutenant Governor candidates Tom Costello and Nate Freeman will appear at our next Chittenden County Democrats meeting on Tuesday, August 19th, 7:00 PM, at the IBEW Union Training Hall, 3 Gregory Drive, South Burlington. This is the best opportunity you'll get to meet them before the September 9th primary. Come to the meeting and bring a friend.
  • Drumbeat for Change Celebration - An Obama Victory Fund-Raiser will be held at the Old Lantern on Greenbush Road in Charlotte on Sunday, August 24th, 5:30 - 10:30. Country barbecue, Obama film, music by the Meatpackers, and a live auction are included. $100 per adult, $75 per young-adult (18 - 25). 100% of proceeds to be donated to the Obama Victory Fund. Contact Jason Powell ( for information or reservations.
  • Please sign up for our Champlain Valley Fair Booth. The Fair runs from 8/23 to 9/1. Each volunteer will receive a free admission ticket which includes parking. There will be 2 shifts each day, 10 AM to 4 PM and 4 PM to 10 PM. We hope to have 2 people per shift, which will allow volunteers to take a break occasionally while keeping the booth staffed per Fair regulations. To volunteer, call me (425-3960), Tom Obbagy (899-4520) or Dan Close (899-3547). Slots will be filled on a first-come basis, so call soon.
  • Last, but not least, get ready to take it to the next level with our POST-PRIMARY, PRE- VICTORY CAMPAIGN KICKOFF RALLY on Saturday, September 13th, 6 - 8 PM, at the UVM Billings Center in Burlington. We will have Congressman Peter Welch and Gubernatorial Candidate Gaye Symington as well as many other statewide, county-wide and local candidates on hand to pump up enthusiasm and raise money ($25/ticket) for our Chittenden County legislative candidates. This will be the biggest event of the year for the Chittenden County Democratic Party! So, Reserve the date! Contact Mike Yantachka (233-5238) or Sherry Mahady (999-9730) to reserve your ticket.

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