Please get involved and stay informed by showing up at our next meeting (check the calendar on the right sidebar), or contact the Chairman here or sign up at the Vermont Democrats' site. Thank you!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Burlington Democratic Primary House Candidates on CCTV

Candidates for the Vermont House in Burlington districts Chittenden 3-5 and 3-1 presented their cases on CCTV public access television recently. Their appearances are now available for viewing on the internet at Chittenden 3-5 incumbents Bill Keough and Joey Donovan share their race with challenger Suzi Wizowaty. In Chittenden 3-1 incumbent Bill Aswad is in a 3-way race with Joanna Cole and Susan Wheeler for two seats, one of which is held by Republican Kurt Wright. Check out the link to help you make your decision in the Primary election that will be held on September 9th. Then come to the Chittenden County Democratic rally on September 13th at UVM's Billings Center to help the winners kick off their general election campaigns as we move forward to increase our Democratic majorities in the House and Senate and elect Gaye Symington Governor of Vermont!

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