Please get involved and stay informed by showing up at our next meeting (check the calendar on the right sidebar), or contact the Chairman here or sign up at the Vermont Democrats' site. Thank you!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Chittenden County Democrats Show Viewing Times - Labor Discussion

The Chittenden County Democrats Show was pre-taped for the Labor Day broadcast, since we could not do a live show on the holiday. I was joined by IBEW Local 300 Marketing Director Matt Lash and Carpenters Union representative Bryan Bouchard, and we discussed a number of issues important to working families. You can view the program online at It is also re-broadcast according to the following schedules:

CCTV Ch 17 (Burlington, So. Burlington, Winooski, Essex) - Mon 3:30 PM

VCAM Ch 17 (Shelburne, Hinesburg, Charlotte) - Mon 5:00PM, Wed 12:00PM, Sat 6:30PM

LCATV Ch 16 (Colchester, Milton) - Mon 5:00PM & 11:00PM, Thur 4:00AM, Sat 12:00AM & 11:00AM

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