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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Petition to Support a Public Option for Health Insurance

Senators Patrick Leahy, Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin have issued the following call for support of a health care plan that includes a public option:

Nearly 50 million Americans -- one-in-six of our fellow citizens -- lack health insurance. Even those families lucky enough to have health insurance have seen their premiums triple in the past decade. America's health care system is in a crisis, and it's time to do something about it.

"This month, Congress is working on new reform legislation that will make quality health care available and affordable for all Americans. We support a public health insurance option that would foster greater competition in the marketplace, create more choices for consumers, and lead to lower costs and better quality for all. But we know the forces of the status quo will battle us every step of the way. Please sign this online petition, showing your support of Congress' work to reform America's health care system now.
Thank you,
Senator Dick Durbin
Senator Patrick Leahy
Senator Chuck Schumer

You can show your support by signing their online petition at this website:


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