Please get involved and stay informed by showing up at our next meeting (check the calendar on the right sidebar), or contact the Chairman here or sign up at the Vermont Democrats' site. Thank you!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Burlington Democrats Annual Picnic & Unity Action Day - June 21st

The Burlington Democrats have their Annual Picnic scheduled for Saturday June 21 at the Ethan Allen Homestead in the Burlington Intervale from 12 Noon to 3 PM. The theme of this picnic is Unity Action Day.

Unity Action Day is the first part of an aggressive outreach plan to:
- reach out to supporters of each of the former candidates for President and ask them to join us.
- send postcards to local Democrats to encourage them to get involved in the presidential race and local campaigns
- get ready for the upcoming campaign season by recruiting new volunteers and re-uniting with old friends
- Have lots of FUN!

You don't have to bring anything, but we hope that you'll bring a friend or two.

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