Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Congratulations to Grassroots Allstars Chris & Marcella Chiarello!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
What is a Caucus?
Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 11:30:00 PM
Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 4:30:00 AM
Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 10:30:00 AM
Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 4:30:00 PM
Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 6:30:00 PM
Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 0:26:00 AM
Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 5:26:00 AM
Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 11:26:00 AM
Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 6:15:00 PM
Channel 17 also hosts the monthly Chittenden County Democrats show on the first Monday of each month at 5:25 PM. This show is also rebroadcast several times during subsequent weeks. Plans are in the works to also have the show rebroadcast on LCATV Channel 16, serving northern Chittenden County including Colchester, Milton and Westford, as well as on VCAM Channel 15, serving southern Chittenden County including Shelburne, Hinesburg and parts of Charlotte. Rebroadcast times will be posted at this website as they are received.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Bill Mares to Speak in Charlotte

The Charlotte, Shelburne and Hinesburg Democratic Committees are hosting an Evening with Bill Mares this coming Thursday on the topic American Foreign Policy: How Do We Look AT, and TO, the Rest of the World?
Local author, marathon runner, former legislator and CVU teacher, Bill Mares, will share some of his thoughts and lead discussion about ways to understand American foreign policy. So mark your calendars. This should be a thought-provoking, informative, and fun evening, and a good opportunity to catch up with neighbors and meet new friends.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
St. George Reorganization Caucus Held
Chair: George Young
Vice-Chair: Tom Carlson
Secretary: Tom Carlson
Treasurer: Steve Faust
Asst Treasurer: Mary Alice Favro
County Committee Delegates: Tom Carlson and Steve Faust
Democrats in St. George who would like to get involved are encouraged to contact Chairman George Young via email: gyoung20@aol.com.
A Commentary
We know now that Mr. Musharaf is nothing but a lousy dictator. He seemed to be OK as long as he was OUR chosen dictator. We supported the Shah in Iran, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, numerous South American and African yahoos, and the really expensive one: South Vietnam. We even had the CIA assassinate some of these guys opponents. Did these guys become dictators BECAUSE of our support, or did we support them BECAUSE they were already dictators? Are there any other choices here?
Was there a Foreign Policy shift right after WW2? If there WAS NOT, why didn't we support Hitler & Mussolini?
Since I have none of the aforementioned training or experience, I humbly ask the question: Why do the majority of citizens in these countries apparently dislike us and exercise ill will towards us? After all, we are only being consistent.
The older I get, the less I seem to know, or is it the less I understand?
Art Ridge
Charlotte Democratic Committee Treasurer
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
House Campaign Fundraiser Held
Saturday, October 27, 2007
County Reorg Caucus Results
- Chair: Mike Yantachka (Charlotte)
- Vice-Chair: Robert Ready (Colchester)
- Secretary: Thomas Walsh (South Burlington)
- Treasurer: Ken Brown (Hinesburg)
- Asst. Treasurer: Wendy Patterson (Hinesburg)
- State Committeewoman: Marcella Chiarello (Shelburne)
- State Committeeman: Tom Obbagy (Jericho)
- Alternate State Committee Delegates: Mary Sullivan, Steve Boyan, Joanna Cole (all Burlington)
The keynote speaker of the evening was Jill Krowinski, Executive Director of the Vermont Democratic Party. She encouraged everyone to get actively involved with the various opportunities to further the message and goals of the VDP. These opportunities include the Media Corps, which informs participants about important issues for letters to the editor, the Douglas-watch project, and the voter file project.
A fund-raiser raffle was held for a bottle of Charlotte Village Winery Merlot, a huge jar of Coyote Ridge Apiary honey, and 20% of the take of raffle ticket sales.
We need you to help with several "task-forces" or subcommittees, including planning, fund-raising, and voter file coordination. So, contact Chairman Mike Yantachka or Vice Chair Robert Ready if you would like to help in any of these ways.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Where: Contois Auditorium in City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington map
Our biennial reorganization caucus will be held at Contois Auditorium, City Hall, Burlington, VT, at 7:00 PM. County Committee Delegates elected at the local caucuses will elect officers for the next two years. While a number of officers are running again, there are some vacancies. If you have an interest in becoming an officer, I would be happy to hear from you ahead of time. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor. If you are interested in being considered for an officer position, please come to the meeting prepared with a person to nominate you and another person to second the nomination. We welcome your participation in this process.
We will also have the privilege of hearing from both the VDP Executive Director, Jill Krowinski, and the current State Committee Chairman, Ian Carleton, during the meeting. Although only delegates will have voting privileges at the caucus, everyone is welcome to attend and become involved in the work of the Democratic Party at the county level.
For more information, contact me, County Chair Mike Yantachka, at miyantach@hotmail.com or 425-3960.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Chittenden County Democrats Talk about Cervical Cancer on Ch 17
While the show was taped on October 1st, it will be rebroadcast at the following dates and times in Burlington, South Burlington, Winooski and Essex:
Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 9:30:00 PM
Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 2:30:00 AM
Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 8:30:00 AM
Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 2:30:00 PM.
Our next show, which will be broadcast live at 5:25 PM on November 5th, will feature Chittenden County State's Attorney Thomas J. Donovan.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
We need help to turn out folks for the Vermont Democrats' big Fall rally. We are having a phone bank in South Burlington on Thursday, October 4th, from 5:30-8PM at 38 Eastwood Drive, Suite 300.
These are easy calls to friendly people. Please email Linda Weiss (lweiss@vtdemocrats.org) if you can help.
Thursday October 4
Stand with the Burmese People!

Monday, September 24, 2007
County Reorganization to Take Place October 24th
Thursday, September 20, 2007
We're "famous"
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Jericho Caucus Scheduled
Williston and Westford Caucuses Scheduled
The Westford Democratic reorganization caucus will be Thursday, September 20 at 7 pm in the Westford Town Clerk's office, 1713 Vt Rte 128, Westford. Contact Town Chair Chris O'Donnel for more info - 878-2302.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The Milton Democratic caucus reorganization will be Tuesday, September 18 at 7 pm in the Milton Junior/Senior High School library. TJ Donovan will be our guest at 7:30 pm and will provide an update on programs and initiatives implemented by his office.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Reorganization Caucuses Update
If you do NOT see your town on this, please contact County Chair Mike Yantachka. We may be working to schedule the time & place and will update this post once that is complete, or we are looking for someone to take a lead on scheduling the caucus.
Sept. 4th, 7 pm - Richmond, Richmond Library
Sept. 10th, 7 pm - South Burlington, Sonny Audette Public Works Building, Patchen Rd
Sept. 11th, 7 pm - Shelburne, Shelburne Town Offices
Sept. 18th, 6 pm - Winooski Senior Center
Sept. 18th, 7 pm - Underhill, Underhill Town Hall
Sept. 18th, 7 pm - Charlotte, Charlotte Town Office
Sept. 18th, 7 pm - Meeting House Downstairs, Main St.
Sept. 19th, 7 pm - Burlington, Contois Auditorium in Town Hall
Sept. 19th, 7:30 pm - Hinesburg, Hinesburg Town Clerk's Office
Sept. 20th, 7 pm - Essex, Essex Free Library
Please keep an eye on the county party calendar for more updates on these caucus and information about other local events. Please contact us if you have any events you would like publicized.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Re-organization caucuses
Here's the list of town caucuses scheduled right now. If you do NOT see your town on this, we may be working to schedule the time & place and will update this post once that is complete, or we are looking for someone to take a lead on scheduling the caucus.
- Sept. 5th, 7pm - Richmond
- Sept. 10th, 7pm - South Burlington
- Sept. 11th, 7pm - Shelburne
- Sept. 18th, 7pm - Underhill
- Sept. 18th, 7:30pm - Hinesburg
- Sept. 18th, 7pm - Charlotte
- Sept. 19th, 7pm - Burlington
- Sept. 20th, 7pm - Essex
Friday, August 17, 2007
Presidential campaigns in Vermont
Second, Vermonters should take an active role this time around. If we can volunteer in NH and make a palpable impact, campaigns will start to understand the sway Vermont can have in the primary. While we do not have much influence with our own votes, we can be a power knocking on doors across the CT river. So, if you are committed to a certain candidate, try to get involved. Try to get others involved. Maybe we can have a proxy debate in Chitt. County?
Here's what I know about the Democratic campaigns' presence in Vermont:
Vermonters for Obama
Vermonters for Bill Richardson (headed by our Colchester Representative Jim Condon)
Let me know if you have any other groups going for the other candidates. Clinton? Kucinich? Anyone.
Friday, August 10, 2007
County Democrats Meeting - Monday, 8/13/07
The meeting will be devoted to how to organize a Democratic Party reorganization caucus in your town. The major political parties are required by Vermont statute to reorganize during every odd-numbered year. Town and city caucuses are scheduled in September, county caucuses in October and the state caucus in November.
The reorg caucus elects local Democratic Committee officers and delegates to the County Democratic Committee. The caucuses are open to all registered voters in the municipality who identify with the Democratic Party.
We will also discuss a possible FUN-draising event for November, based on a number of ideas provided by the VDP staff.
Please join us as we lay the groundwork for a Democratic victory in 2008.
Mike Yantachka, County Chair
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Your Town's Democratic Committee
In the meantime, we will meet briefly on Monday, August 13th at the IBEW meeting hall on 3 Gregory Drive in South Burlington at 7pm. Please show up. We will discuss progress on reorg. and field questions about the process, along with any other topics that might come up.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Channel 17 Chittenden County Democrats Show - Aug 6, 2007
Wed, Aug 8, 2007 at 4:15:00 PM
Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 9:50:00 PM
Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 2:50:00 AM
Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 8:50:00 AM
Sat, Aug 11, 2007 at 2:50:00 PM
Unfortunately, the show is available only in Burlington, South Burlington, Winooski and Essex Town/Junction. So, tune in if you can and check it out.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Re-Org Training Session
What: Chittenden County Democrats Reorganization/Causing Training
Who: anyone interested
When: Thursday, July 26th at 7pm
Where: Friends' Meeting House on 173 North Prospect Street in Burlington.
Vermont Democratic Party Organizing Director Linda Weiss will lead the training. Everyone is welcome to attend. Again, I strongly encourage anyone interested in participating in this process to attend this training. It is very important.
The reorganization/caucusing date is fast approaching. Town Democratic Committees will meet on or around September 18th. Get your neighbors and help your town.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Join your town Democratic committee
We really hope to see you there. If you'd like more information about town offices, please contact the County Vice Chair Will Wiquist
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Thank you Tom!

State Auditor Tom Salmon was nice enough to sit down with the Chittenden County Democrats yesterday evening. He answered a variety of questions and showed he's no slouch when it comes to the accounting profession. The weather was terrible, so we'll forgive those who didn't make it. But please join us on August 13th for our next get together.
Wait... we won? Go Vermont!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Meet Tom Salmon on Monday
Last election, Tom Salmon was the only candidate in Vermont to beat an incumbent for state-wide office. Tom won one of the closest races in Vermont's history, including the first statewide recount in many years.
Tom is now 6 months into his first term as State Auditor of Accounts and, by all accounts, he is doing a great job. Tom will visit with the Chittenden County Democrats this Monday, July 9th, at the IBEW meeting hall on 3 Gregory Drive in South Burlington. The meeting and discussion with begin at 7pm. Be sure to come around back to enter the building. Tom will discuss what he has been up to since being sworn in, issues that are on his plate, and what needs to be done to be sure he wins more easily next time.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Vote for OUR Springfield

Ok, I admit this is not politics and has nothing to do with either party. I just thought this was a lot of fun and it would be great to get some attention nationally for Springfield. No doubt it's the underdog in the race, and who doesn't love an underdog!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Support your Local AND State Democrats TODAY
Monday, June 18, 2007
Ankeney picnic wrap-up
The Chittenden County Democrats enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at the Ankeney farm in St. George last Saturday. Speaker Symington gave a funny, interesting, and short (!!!) speech. Peter Freyne had a nice write-up about our event.
Mike Strizki, Chief Technology Officer of Renewable Energy International, drove up from New Jersey to talk with local Dems about the technology he has developed and its ramifications for our country's energy future. His demonstration with his hydrogen-powered toys and his
We were excited to also see Treasurer Jeb Spaulding, Senators Jim Condos, Ginny Lyons and Hinda Miller, and Representatives Helen Head, Jim Condon, Reg Godin, Joan Lenes and Scott Orr. See more photos at Chittenden Dems Ankeney Picnic 2007 .
We are grateful for the support that Cyndi Bingham, Jean Ankeney’s daughter, and her husband, Web, have given us in putting on this annual event.
If you couldn't make it, we'd love to see you at our next event - and we'd love your help with a contribution through the People Powered Pledge program.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Ankeney Picnic with Speaker Gaye Symington & energy innovator
For years, the Chittenden County Democrats have hosted a fundraiser at the St. George farm of former State Senator Jean Ankeney. This year, we are honored to have the Speaker of the Vermont House of Representatives Gaye Symington of Jericho as our guest of honor. Also attending with be energy innovator Mike Strizki, the engineer and inhabitant of America's first hydrogen-solar powered home.
Speaker Symington has again in 2007 displayed remarkable leadership. The Legislature has worked hard this session to address global issues like climate change, national issues like a resolution calling for the end to the war in Iraq, state issues like Vermonters' access to broadband and cellular service, local issues like South Burlington's revised charter, human rights issues like the anti-discrimination bill (despite the Governor's inexplicable veto last session), and pocketbook issues working towards solutions in our school budget system.
What: the Ankeney Picnic with Speaker Gaye Symington
When: Saturday, June 16th, 1-4pm
Where: Willow Brook Ln./Ayer Road, St. George, VT (directions below)
We hope you can join us for this great tradition, meet you legislators and community leaders, enjoy the Vermont summer, have a hot dog and listen to the music of Bill Myregaard & the Willoughbys.
This is a fundraiser, so we are asking for $15 per person or $25 for a family - though of course we welcome all comers.
From I-89 South: Take Exit 12 off I-89 and
travel south for 4 miles on Route 2A. Turn
LEFT on Ayer Road and travel 1 mile to the
top of the hill. The Ankeney home is the
second on the LEFT after the top of the hill.
From I-89 North: Take Exit 11 off I-89 and
travel west for 2 miles on Route 2. Turn LEFT
at the white church onto Oak Hill Road and
travel south for 4 miles. Turn RIGHT on
Willow Brook Lane. The farm farm is .7 miles
ahead on the RIGHT.
Parking: Please park on the north side of the road, leaving enough room for cars to pass.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Legislators and County Dems discuss H.520
The packed room was also happy to hear from other legislators (seven in total) in attendence. Included among these were two local legislators who voted against the bill originally: Rep. Jim Condon (Colchester) and Rep. Tim Jerman (Essex). They were willing to voice their opinions and listen to the opinions of others. Thank you to Tim, Jim and the other legislators - Lenes, Weston, and Zenie - for attending and given their constituents a chance to discuss the important issue of climate change and the landmark legislation recently passed.
Join us next month to hear from State Auditor Tom Salmon, July 9th at 7pm. He won one of the closest statewide races in Vermont's history; come and ask him what he's been up to since the recount.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
BREAKING NEWS: Special Guest for the Ankeney Picnic
The New York Times Magazine wrote, "Perhaps most important, Strizki's system can be adapted to existing homes… The Strizki home offers a greener world and the continued pursuit of happiness. Indeed, its premise and secret promise is to recommend two things that are dear to many Americans anyway: energy independence and the permission to keep all one's toys."
The Christian Science Monitor wrote, "Mr. Strizki's monthly utility bill is zero – he's off the power grid – and his system creates no carbon-dioxide emissions. Neither does the fuel-cell car parked in his garage, which runs off the hydrogen his system creates."
Please join us for the 7th annual Ankeney picnic at 1pm, on Saturday June 16th on Ayer Rd. in St. George. This is a fundraiser so we are asking for $15 per person 0r $25 per family.Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Global Warming legislation forum (note the change of location)
We will hear from Senate Natural Resources Chairwoman Ginny Lyons of Williston, House Natural Resources Chairman Robert Dostis of Waterbury and other local legislative leaders are invited join the discussion - including those members of the Chittenden County delegation who opposed the legislation. Come with your questions (and of course keep it civil).
Join us to share your thoughts. Listen to the conclusions reached by our legislative representatives. Judge the facts against the Governor's spin.
Last month's meeting with T.J. Donovan was very interesting and had a great discussion of the issues he deals with. We hope to keep that momentum going.
Where: IBEW Union Hall, 3 Gregory Drive, South Burlington
When: 7pm, Monday, June 11th
Why: because it matters
What do you think of this bill? Is global warming a problem for today or something we can put off another year? Should Vermont Yankee pay the same tax rate as our other power companies (wind) or not? Submit a comment below...
Monday, May 21, 2007
O'Reilly's Vermont Vendetta
Anyway, Bill Lofy wrote an interesting op-ed in the Rutland Herald this week. If you haven't read it, check it out here. Let's show our support and respect for the great job Rep. Lippert does for us every year in Montpelier. Thank you Bill!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
May Meeting with T.J. Donovan
Join us Monday night at the IBEW Union hall at 3 Gregory Drive in South Burlington. The meeting will begin at 7pm. This month's guest speaker is Chittenden County State's Attorney T.J. Donovan. We hope to see you there.
T.J. was recently elected to this very important position in the county. He has a great deal of experience and energy. His deep roots in our community and his wealth of talents and experience should serve him well in this roll.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
-Will Wiquist, Chittenden County Democratic Committee Vice-Chair